Articles - 2016



Consideration of a Convention to Propose Amendments Under Article V of the U.S. Constitution | The Heritage Foundation (Apr 04 2019) <Click-to-Tweet>

Keywords: federal administrative state, 8 am, amendment, congress, term limits, conventions, administrative state, constitutional amendment, article v — so much as it is an observation that those who are pursuing a call for a convention to consider a particular amendment or subject area they favor must recognize the risk that a convention might consider and yield amendments that they dislike on other subjects. , article v for a convention to propose amendments raises many questions that require careful consideration ., article v of the constitution, article v convention, the u.s. constitution february 19,2016 19 min


[ 4 ] ” [ 11 ] [ 13 ] [ 18 ] “ ” [ 20 ] [ 21 ] [ 22 ] Congress ‘ shall call a convention. ” [ 25 ] [ 26 ] [ 31 ] [ 32 ] [ 35 ] [ 36 ] [ 38 ] [ 42 ] Can an Article V Convention Be Limited? [ 45 ] [ 47 ] [ 48 ] [ 50 ] [ 53 ] [ 60 ] [ 2 ] 1863 ( 2013 ) 11, § 141 [ 5 ] 378 ( 1798 ) ’ [ 12 ] , [ 16 ] [ 18 ] [ 20 ] 1 [ 21 ] 2 [ 23 ] [ 24 ] [ 27 ] 3 73 [ 35 ] [ 37 ] [ 40 ] ” 1 How , 8 Am. ( “


Corporate America Is Just 6 States Short of a Constitutional Convention - In These Times (Apr 04 2019) <Click-to-Tweet>

Keywords: state, first process, drastic changes, resolutions, secretive group, states, bbatf, federal government, constitutional amendment, constitutional convention, right-wing state legislators, balanced budget constitutional convention


( Since 1970, the United States has had a balanced budget in only four years: 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001. ) But as of today, 28 states — six shy of the two-thirds threshold required by Article V — have passed resolutions calling for a constitutional convention to consider a balanced budget amendment. Convention of States advocates a constitutional convention to not only pass a balanced budget amendment, but also to curtail the “ power and jurisdiction of the federal government. In other words, if Convention of States has its way, there could well be a runaway convention. He describes the campaign for a constitutional convention as “ a very live threat. But such a convention is not the tonic to satiate this discontent.


Republican success opens door to amending U.S. Constitution - Chicago Tribune (Dec 05 2016) <Click-to-Tweet>

Keywords: congress, term limits, constitution, states, balanced federal budget, the u.s. constitution, amendments, balanced budget amendment, convention, runaway convention, constitutional convention, constitutional amendments, state legislatures


The GOP now holds numerical majorities in 33 legislatures, one shy of the two-thirds required to initiate a convention on constitutional amendments. By a two-thirds vote of each chamber, the U.S. House and Senate can refer an amendment to the states. Or two-thirds of the state legislatures can request that Congress call a convention of the states. Montana's Republican-led House overwhelmingly defeated a resolution calling for a convention on a balanced budget amendment when it last met in 2015. The states then ratified the amendment. Ivory was elected in September as the presiding officer of a simulated convention of the states designed to demonstrate that the method of proposing constitutional amendments actually can work.


Rewrite the Constitution? Here's how a convention could do it - CNNPolitics (Nov 22 2016) <Click-to-Tweet>

Keywords: state lawmakers, conservative group, regulatory power, alec, republican lawmakers, constitution, support, federal government, control, convention, washington, constitutional convention, the us constitution


Governor calls for constitutional convention 01:13 Story highlights How hard would that be? What is a constitutional convention? We've already had one constitutional convention-- literally The Constitutional Convention, in 1787, which gave us the Constitution-- and there has n't been one since. This is why some lawmakers and constitutional experts are apprehensive about re- opening the Constitution, via a convention: anything could go. The Making of the United States Constitution. Jones, with ALEC, said that any successful petitioning of Congress would result in a" convention of the states" and not, specifically, a broad-sweeping constitutional convention.


Inside the Conservative Push for States to Amend the Constitution - The New York Times (Aug 22 2016) <Click-to-Tweet>

Keywords: state-written amendments, the conservative push for states, constitution, state amendment convention, convention, article 5 of the constitution, state conventions, ’s, pandora ’s box, own constitutional amendments, convention effort, draft amendments, state legislatures


U.S. |Inside the Conservative Push for States to Amend the Constitution Advertisement Inside the Conservative Push for States to Amend the Constitution Image A clause in Article 5 of the Constitution allows for states to sidestep Congress and draft amendments. either by their legislatures or by state conventions — to take effect. ’ ’ Amendment conventions are not exclusively a conservative cause. Article 5 places no limits on a convention ’s power. So what rules would an amendments convention follow? Conventions of states, they say, are nothing new: — A convention to draft amendments, they say, would be no different. But even if it did, he said, he would not be especially concerned: After all, a convention only proposes amendments. “ ”


An Article V Constitutional Convention Would Create Chaos | Op-Ed | US News (May 11, 2016)


The Article V Convention to Propose Constitutional Amendments: Contemporary Issues for Congress (March 29, 2016) (PDF)


Tom Coburn: The solution to America's constitutional crisis | Fox News (Mar 01 2016) <Click-to-Tweet>

Keywords: congress, amendment process, constitution, states, federal government, convention, congressional power, constitutional convention, ben sasse, clear meaning, limited federal government, candidates, state legislatures


That fear over federal overreach is justified. Instead of relying on politicians in Washington, Americans should use the power they already have to push the federal government back within its constitutional bounds. That ’s why they gave states the ability to restrain the federal government through the amendment process. Amendments proposed at this convention would then be subject to ratification by three-fourths of all states. Simply put, state legislatures can call a convention to propose an amendment regardless of what Congress wants. there is a significant chance that an amendments convention will meet within the next few years. ” Governor Greg Abbott of Texas expressed his support for a convention of states to propose Constitutional amendments that would realign the federal government with the will of the people. Those are two promising antidotes for the poison of federal overreach.


An Article V Constitutional Convention? Wrong Idea, Wrong Time | Cato Institute (Jan 12 2016) <Click-to-Tweet>

Keywords: double yikes, liberal states, process, various powers, the u.s. constitution, amendments, balanced budget amendment, convention, runaway convention, constitutional convention, terrible idea, the supreme court ’s, state legislatures


Four liberal states — California, Vermont, Illinois, and New Jersey — have signed on to this idea. Here ’s why that ’s a terrible idea. On the right, the longstanding proposal for a convention to draft a balanced budget amendment has at times come within striking distance of the requisite two-thirds of state legislatures needed to trigger the idea. Some of these ideas are better than others — Gov. Hence Justice Antonin Scalia ’s brusque dismissal: I certainly would not want a constitutional convention. Go ahead and read the instruction kit for a convention, such as it is, in Article V of the U.S. Constitution. It ’s quite brief. It says not a word expressly authorizing the states, Congress, or some combination of the two to confine the subject matter of a convention.


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott calls for Convention of States to take back states' rights | Politics | Dallas News (Jan 08 2016) <Click-to-Tweet>

Keywords: convention of the states, federal government, constitutional convention, wrest power, plan, states, other states, economic regulation, propose amendments, texas, federal law, greg abbott, idea


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott calls for Convention of States to take back states' rights Filed under Politics at He said he will ask lawmakers to pass a bill authorizing Texas to join other states calling for a Convention of States. The other method allows two-thirds of the state legislatures to call for a convention to propose amendments. Allow a two-thirds majority of the states to override a U.S. Supreme Court decision. Give state officials the power to sue in federal court when federal officials overstep their bounds. Allow a two-thirds majority of the states to override a federal law or regulation. A   convention, Abbott wrote, would force the federal government to" take the Constitution seriously again. “ ” " "


How the Convention of States Was Stopped in Montana (Jan 06 2016) <Click-to-Tweet>

Keywords: article, committee hearing stage, cos, stage, robert brown, committee, article v convention application, comments, united states constitution, convention, application, new american, language


Email In 2015 the Montana state legislature considered approving an application to Congress for a Convention of States ( COS ) Article V convention. In this video, United States Constitution expert Robert Brown discusses how the COS Article V convention application was stopped at the committee hearing stage. Please review our Comment Policy before posting a comment Thank you for joining the discussion at The New American. We value our readers and encourage their participation, but in order to ensure a positive experience for our readership, we have a few guidelines for commenting on articles. Please post comments in English. Please keep your comments on topic with the article. If you wish to comment on another subject, you may search for a relevant article and join or start a discussion there.


Do we need a constitutional convention on campaign finance? - Los Angeles Times (Jan 05 2016) <Click-to-Tweet>

Keywords: supreme, united, the united states, united states, supreme court, ballot, campaign finance, constitutional amendment, the u.s. supreme court, constitutional convention, citizens united, court, voters


Do we need a constitutional convention on campaign finance? The U.S. Supreme Court in June of 2015. Does the United States need a constitutional amendment to clean up the campaign finance mess created by the U.S. Supreme Court? My answer is absolutely not. In the 2010 case Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down on 1st Amendment It is much easier to... appoint different justices to the Supreme Court than it is to follow the formal paths to constitutional convention and amendment. Another path to change is a constitutional convention. If it did, it would n't have called for a constitutional convention back in 2014. "


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